Live and Learn

Live and Learn

Monday, November 1, 2010

Changing Opinions on Miss Nicki Minaj #FoodForThought

This is a video that a friend introduced me that blew me away!! Poet Jasmine Mans shows audiences a different perspective to take when contemplating the character that is, Nicki Minaj. I have to attach the lyrics so readers can fully grasp the lyrical truth Miss Mans is presenting. I also want to post an article from Miss Minaj herself (via Vibe), who seems to be lost in a world of confusion and characters and who also fully understands her place to be....unknown. So, is it at all possible to compare the likes of Nick Minaj to that of Lauryn Hill??? I actually say yes only because of the fact that both of these women at some point in their career lost themselves. It is my prayer that just as Lauryn has, Nicki realizes the puppetry games and searches for something more, ultimately herself, Miss Onika Maraj.


By Jasmine Mans

You are being traded paper in exchange for you to be plastic

All Dolls will eventually mal-function

(I don't even know why you girls bother at this point like give it up, it 's me I win you lose)

Nicki MInaj,

(It's me)

I must admit

(Its, its me)

I have always been intrigued by your ass,

I guess that's what the world looked like after falling from your shoulders.

(Like give it up)

You have the heartbeat of a suicide bomber

A baseline breathing out of your pulse

Your thighs play storage for the weight of the world

I dreamed that you used to back packed, the lost raps, of Female MCs who could not find their way out the cipher

(Its just like I singlehandedly annihilated like every rape b**ch in the building)

Traded in your crown for unsharpened pencils and blank CDs

(Like give it up)

Do you ever feel a cord gripping on your neck, choke, spit?

Don't let this industry f**k the Assata out of you


Can and will never be code for queen

You are a Queen no matter how many times they try to shuffle you back in tape decks.

Bi Sex, straight, you've earned my respect

(You da Bestest)

But I know your spine binds and crooked lines

And you can't seem to write a rhyme for your broken daughters

Slaughter, bent over back, ass cracked, b***h slapped, in videos

There is nothing pedal bike pretty about broken

Do you know what this media is trying to do to you?

They will porcelain


Doll the s**tout of you

Leave you noose necked hanging from Zion they will Lauryn Hill you

The mis-education of a Barbie doll coming soon

(I just had an epiphany)

Barbie, I think NYC is making you forget you come from Queens

Its scary when you have wack MCs trying to ghost write your obituary

(You should buy a 16 cuz I write it good)

Your existence is not recyclable to me


Stop spitting me toy stories

Of Woodys and Buzzlight Years who only come alive when no body is watching

Fake breast

Once upon a time before puberty and tissue filled training bras all little girls wanted a toy chest

What do you treasure? *

You have turned your G-spot into a land-mind

Dirty, disgusting

We have been waiting centuries for a woman like you to carve your stiletto in history

This microphone is not a dildo so you are going to have to cum a little harder than that,

(I, win, I win, you lose)

Come a little harder for rap

Too many women before you have laid down tracks -- UNIT...Y?

So you wouldn't have to record your on your back

Spit some s**tit for girls who kiss girls and got beat down to their backs

We will remember you for that

Lips sync your screams and remember your inflections and copyright your raps



For young money anyone can buy themselves their own ( I'm Nick Minaj, Nicki Lewinski, Nicki Barbie, the boss)

Crown, Vagina, Womanhood, and Talent,

All Sold separately


You are being stabbed in the back

Inserted with a wind up string and a tag?

(R, R, R, Roger that)


  1. truth... i still wont ever put her in a sentence with Lauryn Hill. Lauryn gave us great works which cannot be compared. I have yet to play a nicki song that i want kno ill want to play again in 10 yrs. she's just a phase, but lauryn's songs ill play for my children and grandchildren when i tell them that music was good back in my day

  2. First of all - To comment on the previous comment: Nicki Minaj is not just a phase. Her music will be played in 10 years. Your grandchildren will be studying it in sociology courses and courses about the black culture in the 21st century. There are courses now that cover the intersectionality of race and music where students are studying NWA's 'Fuck The Police'. (no offense but...) There's much more to Ms. Minaj and he music. If you took the time to do your research you'd understand.

    Second - I agree with the arthur of this blog. It is possible to compare the likes of Nick Minaj to that of Lauryn Hill.

    My Opinion - All women in the industry have to market themselves. When women become famous they become a brand which is like being a whore. People like Lauryn Hill and Assata Shakur know the struggles of this self marketing. You could tell her love and respect for Nicki Minaj and women who have had to market themselves in order to live up to the hype that fame brings.

    Evidence - This is evident when Jasmine says:
    -"Don't let this industry rape the {ASSATA also-known-as the wisdom, substance, and INDIVIDUAL) our of you"
    -The poem also questions females as a whole and says "the media will porcelain doll the shit out of you" i.e: make you fake as shit
    -The poem asks the question "What do you treasure"

    Nicki Minaj and other female emcees have had to decide whether to be fake, phony, and glamorous or be who they really are and original. The similarities of Lauryn HIll and Miss Minaj are toooo apparent.

    Love the blog post. Keep it up arthur. I'm a fan. ;)
