Daily I float between confident portrayals of an immortal essence
Emitting rays of magical stardust like emotion
To loneliness drowning in the catacomb drudgery
of a pitiful existence
Sometimes my spirit overflows with the bounty of a treasure
unknown to anyone else but I
But within that treasure lies infinite gardens
Nourishing my all with abounding beauty and peace
To be blessed with such an overwhelming serenity
leaves me only to imagine an atonement unbeknownst that I must be indebted to by the stars
Then in those moments of utter darkness
I am encased by shadows haunting a past filled with
Occurrences unspeakable
Those instances when falling short would have been
something reached for
When my head permanently rested below the eyes of the horizon
And I hid in the confines of the blackness of an eclipse
Never again do I plan on returning
Yet the possibility of all
both left and right
up and down
dark and light
lies before me
Seeking truth in words and hope in peace
Wanting to be cloaked in the power of understanding and enlightenment
That in which I seek is within the frame of what I imagine
Thus attainable and indelible
I know better, so in that I must do